As well as generalist advice, we also offer a range of specialist services. Click here for more information.
Benefits and Budgeting:
Have you tried our new Benefit and Budgeting calculator? You can complete this in your own time to check your benefit entitlement and complete an income/expenditure to show your spending trends. This can then be sent directly to an advisor if you need additional support Benefit Calculator
Face-to-face advice
Please note that our face-to-face advice is available by appoinment only. You can either use the contact us feature, or call 01786 470239 to be triaged. Home visits may be available to people who are housebound by virtue of sickness, disability or child care / caring commitments.
Outreach locations
Our outreach time/dates are updated weekly on our Facebook page, please keep an eye out for any changes:
Council tenants
If you are a council tenant you may also contact your Income Maximisation officer. They can assist with issues relating to benefits support:
Income Maximisation Team
Stirling council area:
Anyone within the Stirling council area can also seek Money advice from Stirling Council
Stirling Council: 01786 404040
Money Advice Stirling - 01786 233528
We are still on hand to provide our full range of services to council tenants if you decide to. We can also support you with a range of other advice areas, either through our volunteer-led service or our projects. Visit Our Services for more details, or use the contact us form.